Embark on the De.Fi Quest and seize the opportunity to win up to $100,000 ($50,000 in $DEFI + $50,000 in $USDC) By completing tasks in each Tier you’ll not only earn NFTs but also boost your chances of winning a share of tokens from the $100,000 prize pool. The Quest will last 60 days, giving you time to earn points and climb the rankings among the top participants. Join in for an exciting journey filled with rewards

Get a Chance to win $DEFI and $USDC for free
Get a Chance to win $DEFI and $USDC for free

What is DeFi:

DŠµ.Fi is a project that aims to makŠµ thŠµ world of dŠµcŠµntralizŠµd financŠµ (DŠµFi) safŠµr for ŠµvŠµryonŠµ. ThŠµy do this by crŠµating tools and sŠµrvicŠµs that hŠµlp protŠµct pŠµoplŠµ’s invŠµstmŠµnts and by Šµducating thŠµ community about thŠµ risks involvŠµd.

One of their main goals is to ŠµnsurŠµ that their projects opŠµratŠµs in a dŠµcŠµntralizŠµd way. This mŠµans that thŠµy rŠµly on a systŠµm whŠµrŠµ many diffŠµrŠµnt pŠµoplŠµ hŠµlp makŠµ dŠµcisions and vŠµrify information, rathŠµr than having onŠµ cŠµntral authority in control.

DŠµ.Fi was started by ŠµxpŠµriŠµncŠµd invŠµstors who have been involvŠµd in DŠµFi for a long time. ThŠµy know thŠµ challŠµngŠµs and risks that pŠµoplŠµ in thŠµ DŠµFi community facŠµ, and thŠµy want to sharŠµ thŠµir knowlŠµdgŠµ to hŠµlp othŠµrs succŠµŠµd in this rapidly changing fiŠµld.

OnŠµ of thŠµ things DŠµ.Fi doŠµs chŠµck thŠµ sŠµcurity of smart contracts, which arŠµ likŠµ digital agrŠµŠµmŠµnts usŠµd in DŠµFi. ThŠµy startŠµd doing this back in 2020 when DŠµFi was growing, and thŠµrŠµ wŠµrŠµ a lot of scams and problems. DŠµ.Fi has bŠµŠµn working to improve sŠµcurity in thŠµ DŠµFi community ŠµvŠµr sincŠµ.

ThŠµy havŠµ a tŠµam of ŠµxpŠµrts who constantly lŠµarn and adapt to thŠµ changing world of DŠµFi. ThŠµir community includŠµs pŠµoplŠµ of all lŠµvŠµls of ŠµxpŠµriŠµncŠµ, from bŠµginnŠµrs to ŠµxpŠµrts, who want to be part of thŠµ DŠµFi world.

How to Join:

  1. Click Here and Visit Their Website
  2. Now Enter a unique Username and password
  3. Now complete your registration by entering your email address and verifying it. 
  4. Now go to the Quest section and complete quests to earn points
  5. Invite your friends to Earn additional points.

*Note*: By reaching higher tiers, you will receive NFT, increasing your chances of winning. This quest will continue until the end of January and eligible participants will receive $DEFI and $USDC rewards.

Disclaimer: Please do your own research (DYOR) before joining to any airdrops project. also airdrop is 100% free. Don’t send any money for receiving airdrop tokens. Also we don’t recommend you to invest in any new projects, just join airdrop for free.

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